Pesticide Disposal | Safely dispose of chemicals

Pesticide Disposal

Pesticides that are no longer required must be disposed of legally and safely.

Poor disposal can allow pesticides to reach water. Four types of pesticide waste should be considered:

1. Unapproved or unwanted pesticides

It is illegal to store or use unapproved pesticides, so it is important to ensure that all pesticides in your store are approved. Many products are losing their approval under the EU Review programme, so check the approval status of yours at least once a year. Collier Turf Care BASIS Registered advisors can help identify those which may no longer be legally used and which require disposal by a licensed waste contractor. A list of these contractors can be found at Remember to keep a record of collected pesticide waste.

2. Left-over unused spray solution

Try to ensure that areas to be treated are measured accurately and that you have prepared the correct amount of spray solution. If you have any leftover it may be sprayed onto an untreated part of the crop saved for that purpose or applied to the treated crop provided the maximum label dose is not exceeded.

3. Sprayer washings

The sprayer may be washed down in the field, over a lined biobed or over a concrete area where the liquid drains to a lined biobed or a sump for future disposal. Internal tank rinsing may be sprayed onto an untreated part of the crop saved for that purpose or applied to the treated crop provided the maximum label dose is not exceeded. Remember to use an approved pesticide tank cleaner such as Prestige Super Tank Cleaner.

4. Pesticide packaging

In England and Wales the only permitted disposal option is to use a waste or recycling contractor. Check, with the waste disposal contractor, whether pesticide packaging must be segregated into different materials (paper, plastics, metal, foil seals, etc.). Where available choose packs without seals; otherwise rinse the seals and avoid them blowing away. Either fully detach and place them in a leak-proof container or leave them partially attached. Always clean pesticide containers thoroughly before disposal. Use the induction bowl pressure rinsing device or triple rinse containers, and give them time to drain and dry.


If you use a product that is no longer approved for use in the UK or is not for the area you use it (such as using agricultural pesticides on amenity turf) then both the club and you run the risk of prosecution by the HSE and all insurances will become void. To store or use unapproved pesticides is illegal, get them professionally collected for disposal. Products applied may be detected by residue monitoring in soil and water. Illegal disposal by burial poses a serious threat to the environment and there is a high risk of detection through existing monitoring schemes. For advice or a free audit of your chemical safe, contact your local Collier Turf Care Rep.

Further information available from:

  • Amenity Forum
  • BASIS | 01335 343945
  • Collier Turf Care | 01328 700600
  • Defra | 08459 335577
  • Environment Agency | 08708 506506
  • FWAG
  • HSE | 0300 7906787
  • Voluntary Initiative

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