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MAPP No. 19820
LERAP: Category n/a
Contains: 144 g/ltr Fluroxypyr-meptyl, 80 g/ltr Clopyralid, 2.5 g/ltr Florasulam
Praxys Selective Weed Killer
Praxys Selective Weed Killer is a unique turf herbicide that gives turf managers and lawn care operators control over difficult weeds while using very low dose rates.
Praxys Weed Killer is the most powerful post-emergent herbicide available on the market. It combines 3 active ingredients (Florasulam, Fluroxpyr, Clopyralid) which have 2 different ways of eliminating a wide range of difficult weeds.
When turf managers and lawn care operators need a unique turf weed killer to control troublesome weeds using a low dose rate, Praxys Selective Lawn Weed Killer delivers the answer.
Weed Killer Product Advantages
- Complete eradication of the weed down to the root, no weed re-growth
- Rapid entry and rainfast within 1 hour
- Low weed killer dosage rate which lowers overall costs
- Flexible application rates
- High weed selectivity to existing and young turf types
- Has no LERAP restrictions
Florasulam is absorbed through both the leaves and the roots of the weed where it inhibits plant enzymes,
preventing cell division and causing chlorosis and necrosis of the weed plant. It is very effective in
cool weather, enabling Praxys Weed Killer to be used earlier, or later, in the year when other herbicides are
Fluroxpyr is a powerful ingredient that is absorbed through the foliar part of the weed and
de-regulates growth, causing it to malform and twist. It is very effective in warmer temperature
when some other herbicides are less efficient, enabling Praxys Weed Killer to be used throughout the growing season without concerns about scorch or evaporation.
Clopyralid is the most efficient translocated herbicide available, ensuring that treated weeds are killed from root to tip. Nothing is
left of the weed once it has been decimated, so it cannot re-establish. Clopyralid ‘turbo charges’ the other two active ingredients
making the overall product more effective.
To see what ICL products can be tank mixed, view this 'Tank Mix Table' in Technical Support.
Safe Use of Pesticides
By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out. Please ring 01328 700600 to speak to a Basis qualified member of our team for safe advice on training and qualifications for the safe use of pesticides.
The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.
Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:
Once you have placed an order on our web-site for a professional pesticide we will contact you by return (usually via e-mail) for confirmation that you comply with the safe use of pesticide legislation.
Please note the product will not be despatched until we have confirmation that you comply with the safe use of pesticide legislation
Use plant protection safely. Always read the label and product information before use